The Gidel ProcFG software is a frame grabber system that allows capture of a image data stream. It also performs image processing, and can offload full image data or Regions of Interest (ROIs) to the host computer.
ProcFG is optimized for vision systems that use FPGA acceleration and also for line scan vision applications using reference images. The software supports multiple cameras, including different camera standards. Multiple cameras can be used in both a single or multiple process at the same time.
It is possible to grab ROIs selectively for an ultra-high acquisition rate and data offloading.
Optional GenICam streaming is also supported, including GenICam standard and 3rd party GenTL image processing libraries, including MVTEC’s HALCON libraries.
Imaging debug tools to simplify the FPGA IP and system development are included, and all Gidel frame grabbers are supported.
Product Data
Zerif Technologies Ltd.
Winnington House, 2 Woodberry Grove
Finchley, London N12 0DR
United Kingdom
+44 115 855 7883