Kaya "Chameleon" CoaxPress
Kaya "KY-HSMC-CXP" CoaxPress (Mezz.)
Gidel "CamSim" Camera Link, CoaXPress
EDT VisionLink Camera Link
All Camera Simulators
Camera Selector
Frame Grabber Selector
Gidel CamSim CoaXPress / Camera Link camera simulator for all CoaXPress 1.1 image formats: Raw, Mono, Planar, Planar Raw, Bayer, RGB, RGBA, YUV, YCbCr601, YCbCr709, and camera link v2.0 configurations: base, medium, full, 80-bit (DECA)
EDT VisionLink CLS Camera Link simulator / frame grabber, Direct Memory Access (DMA) from the host computer with data rates of up to 850 MB/s, 85 MHz, 10-tap, and 8-bit, Pixel clock rate is from 20 to 85 MHz