Kaya KY-HSMC2FMC – HSMC to FMC adapter – Zerif Technologies Ltd.

KY-HSMC2FMC – Kaya Mezzanine Altera HSMC to FMC Adapter

The KY-HSMC2FMC by Kaya Instruments is a mezzanine adapter board that connects industry standard FPGA Mezzanine Cards to boards with the Altera High Speed Mezzanine Card interface. Full duplex high speed serial signals (SerDes) is supported, also LVDS and single-ended signals. The HSMC2FMC uses an HSMC connector on the host board and a standard HPC connector on the mezz card.

Hardware accelerator diagram of Kaya KY-HSMC2FMC showing specification and operation of electronic elements of the board.
Hardware accelerator diagram: Kaya KY-HSMC2FMC adapter board.

Product Data

Kaya KY-HSMC2FMC external view showing FMC (HPC) and HSMC connectors.
Kaya KY-HSMC2FMC with FMC (HPC) and HSMC connectors.